iBaguette Cheat Sheets: A growing selection of tailor-made revision resources

Here's where you can find our revision resources, including our acclaimed Cheat Sheets!

Hello everyone!

Due to the recent influx of visitors coming to the site, increasing by over 60x (!) in the last month compared to anything I've seen previously, mostly for my Cheat Sheets and other revision material, I've decided to invest some time into writing about what you can expect to find here, as well as using this as a quick link for the available Cheat Sheets and revision resources.

To view all the available revision resources and Cheat Sheets, click or go to:

A mini introduction

As the exam period nears, students worldwide are preparing for their studies. The vast amount of material to cover can make it challenging to organise and remember crucial concepts and details. 

This is where iBaguette steps in, offering comprehensive and customised cheat sheets to help students study efficiently and effectively. Continue reading to see all the advantages of using iBaguette cheat sheets, as well as why they should be a go-to resource for all students preparing for exams, including for GCSEs and A levels.

What is iBaguette?

To see more about iBaguette and why it is an excellent, trustworthy site for everything from exam revision to Discord bots, check out this other post: What actually is iBaguette?

Why should you be using the Cheat Sheets available on iBaguette.com?


A standout feature of iBaguette cheat sheets is their customisation to particular exam boards. This customisation allows students to find cheat sheets specifically designed for their exam syllabus, ensuring they review the most relevant content for their exams. For instance, iBaguette provides GCSE Geography cheat sheets tailored to various exam boards, such as AQA, covering both Paper 1 and Paper 2, with detailed case study information in an easily digestible manner. This level of personalisation ensures students focus on key concepts and case studies likely to appear in their specific exams, streamlining their revision process.

Regular updates for accuracy

iBaguette takes pride on maintaining accurate and up-to-date cheat sheets. Regular audits ensure the provided information is reliable and meets the latest exam requirements. This is especially crucial for subjects with changing content, for example Computer Science, especially seen with recent developments in AI technologies. By using iBaguette cheat sheets, students can be confident they are accessing the most current information, essential for exam preparation. 

Updates occur frequently, up to several times a day, to add new content and improve the accessibility, resource content, layout of the site as well as infrastructure speed improvements. You can see the update frequency on the GitHub page.

Completely free and accessible

Another huge advantage of iBaguette cheat sheets is their free access. Students can use them anytime, accommodating their busy schedules, with absolutely zero paywalls, entry requirements and no irritating login pages or limited, blurred content. 

The cheat sheets are also available as a website which allows easy navigation and topic-specific searches. This feature enables students to find information quickly, saving valuable time during their revision process.

Comprehensive, easy understandings of key points

iBaguette cheat sheets offer concise summaries of key points likely to be tested in exams. They cover essential concepts and details students need to know, making them an excellent starting point for revision. 

While they may not provide 100% detail, they give a comprehensive overview of the subject matter, helping students understand the main ideas and concepts quickly. Students can then supplement their class notes with Cheat Sheet information or other resources to ensure a complete and thorough understanding of the subject.

Additional resources for complete revision

Besides cheat sheets, iBaguette provides other resources to support students during their revision process. They offer links to top-rated revision resources, providing additional explanations, practice questions, and interactive learning tools. 

On top of this, iBaguette's Discord server, Baguette Brigaders, is a friendly and growing place to talk about exams, ask questions and get answers from the creator of the cheat sheets, as well as with other students, developers, educators and professionals.

Finally, we also feature game development projects, a technical blog, and more, creating a one-stop-shop for students needing revision support. These additional resources complement the cheat sheets and provide students with a well-rounded study experience.


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